COMPSCI 220 Programming Methodology

Project Assignment 03: Virtual Machine


This assignment exercises your understanding of Scala and design patterns. In particular, you will complete the implementation of a stack-based virtual machine that executes a small set of “bytecode” instructions. Just like the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that executes JVM bytecode (the representation your Scala/Java programs are compiled to), the virtual machine that you will implement will execute a small set of bytecode instructions represented as textual commands that manipulate the state of a virtual machine. These commands/instructions perform simple operations on a stack-based virtual machine to execute simple computations. Here is an example of a simple program (in textual format) that adds two numbers, increments the result, then prints the result to the console:

iconst 4
iconst 5

The iconst instruction takes a single integer argument and pushes it onto the stack of the virtual machine. The iadd instruction pops the top two integer values from the stack, adds them, and pushes the result. The print instruction pops the value on the top of the stack and prints it to the console. Thus, executing this simple bytecode program will produce 9 as its output.

As part of the implementation of the virtual machine you will need to use the command, adapter, factory, and singleton design patterns. You will use the command pattern to implement the bytecode operations, the adapter pattern to adapt a 3rd party vendor’s textual bytecode parser (which you will also implement) to a virtual machine parser that parses bytecode integer representation into bytecode objects, and the factory and singleton patterns to create bytecode objects for our testing harness.


This virtual machine is simple in that it only has a working stack to perform computations. Each instruction described below has a textual representation, a byte value, and the semantics of the instruction (what it does when it is executed). The byte value is used by the virtual machine to identify which instruction it is executing. Each instruction assumes the existence of a virtual machine VM that is used to define the corresponding semantics.

iconst NUM: The iconst instruction pushes the integer value NUM on the virtual machine stack. VM.push(NUM).

iadd: The iadd instruction pops the top two values from the virtual machine stack and pushes the result. VM.push(VM.pop() + VM.pop()).

isub: The isub instruction pops the top two values from the virtual machine stack and pushes the result. VM.push(VM.pop() - VM.pop()).

imul: The imul instruction pops the top two values from the virtual machine stack and pushes the result. VM.push(VM.pop() * VM.pop()).

idiv: The idiv instruction pops the top two values from the virtual machine stack and pushes the result. VM.push(VM.pop() / VM.pop()).

irem: The irem instruction pops the top two values from the virtual machine stack and pushes the result. VM.push(VM.pop() % VM.pop()).

ineg: The ineg instruction pops the the top value from the virtual machine stack, negates it, and pushes the result. VM.push(-VM.pop()).

iinc: The iinc instruction pops the the top value from the virtual machine stack, increments it, and pushes the result. VM.push(VM.pop()+1).

idec: The idec instruction pops the the top value from the virtual machine stack, decrements it, and pushes the result. VM.push(VM.pop()-1).

iswap: The iswap instruction pops the top two values from the virtual machine stack and pushes them in the opposite order - effectively swapping the top two values on the top of the stack. x = VM.pop(); y = VM.pop(); VM.push(x); VM.push(y)

idup: The idup instruction pops the top value from the stack and pushes it twice onto the stack (duplicates the top value). x = VM.pop(); VM.push(x); VM.push(x).

print: The print instruction pops the top value from the stack and prints the value to the console.

As you can see, the operations themselves are rather simple. We do not list the actual bytecode byte representation as they are derived from a list of the instructions in the code (as we mention later). Another important observation is that the semantics of each instruction has access to the virtual machine (VM) itself. This is made explicit in the description of the implementation below.

Note, that you should assume that the order of evaluation of the above operators (+, -, *, /, %) first evaluates its left operand followed by its right operand. That is, VM.push(VM.pop() + VM.pop()) is the same as x = VM.pop(); y = VM.pop(); VM.push(x + y). This detail is important in how you implement the semantics of the bytecode.

Learning Goals

General Information

Read this entire document. If, after a careful reading, something seems ambiguous or unclear to you, then communicate to the course staff immediately. Start this assignment as soon as possible. Do not wait until 5pm the night before the assignment is due to tell us you don’t understand something, as our ability to help you will be minimal.

Reminder: Copying partial or whole solutions, obtained from other students or elsewhere, is academic dishonesty. Do not share your code with your classmates, and do not use your classmates’ code. If you are confused about what constitutes academic dishonesty you should re-read the course syllabus and policies. We assume you have read the course information in detail and by submitting this assignment you have provided your virtual signature in agreement with these policies.

You are responsible for submitting project assignments that compile and are configured correctly. If your project submission does not follow these policies exactly you may receive a grade of zero for this assignment.


Test Files

In the src/test/scala directory, we provide ScalaTest test suites that will help you keep on track while completing the assignment. We recommend you run the tests often and use them to help create a checklist of things to do next. But, you should be aware that we deliberately do not provide you the full test suite we use when grading.

We recommend that you think about possible cases and add new test cases to these files as part of your programming discipline. Simple tests to add will consider questions such as:

More complex tests will be assignment-specific. To build good test cases, think about ways to exercise functions and methods. Work out the correct result for a call of a method with a given set of parameters by hand, then add it as a test case. Note that we will not be looking at your test cases (unless otherwise specified by the assignment documentation), they are just for your use and will be removed by the auto-grader during the evaluation process.

If you modify the test cases we provided or you added your own it is important to know that they will not be used. The auto-grader will use its own copy of the public and private tests. If you modify any source files in the src/test/scala directory your changes will not be reflected in the grading of your submission.

Before submitting, make sure that your program compiles with and passes all of the original tests. If you have errors in these files, it means the structure of the files found in the src directory have been altered in a way that will cause your submission to lose some (or all) points.

Project Structure

The project should normally contain the following root items:

Testing, Grading Assistant, and Console

As mentioned previously, you are provided a set of unit tests that will test various aspects of your implementation. You should get in the habit of running the tests frequently to see how you are doing and to understand where you might be going wrong. The ScalaTest testing framework is built-in to the activator tool and you can easily run the tests by issuing the following command from the command line (Mac/Linux):

./activator test

For Windows users you would issue the following command from the command window:

activator.bat test

This will compile your code and run the public ScalaTest unit tests. After you compile and run the tests you will notice that a target directory has been created. The target directory contains the generated class files from your source code as well as information and results of the tests. Activator uses this directory so it must not be removed. After you run the tests you can get a grade report from the Jeeves tool by issuing this command from the command line (Mac/Linux):

scala -cp tools/grading-assistant.jar autograder.jeeves.Jeeves

For Windows users you would issue the following command from the command window:

scala -cp tools\grading-assistant.jar autograder.jeeves.Jeeves

Note, issuing the above command from the activator console will not work! This will print a report to the console showing you the tests you passed, tests you failed, and a score based on the public tests. Although this gives you a good estimate as to what your final score might look like, it does not include points from our private tests. You may run Jeeves as often as you like, however, you must run the tests before your run Jeeves to give you an updated result.

Another very useful approach to test and play with the code you write is the activator/Scala console. You can run the console with this command (Mac/Linux):

./activator console

For Windows users you would issue the following command from the command window:

activator.bat console

This will load up the Scala REPL (read-eval-print-loop). You can type code directly into the console and have it executed. If you want to cut and paste a larger segment of code (e.g., function declaration) you simply type :paste in the console, then paste in your code, then type control-D.

In addition, you can run activator without any commands and you will be presented with the following prompt:


Or on Windows:


From the activator prompt you can type in any of the following commands:

Editors and IDEs

You are welcome to use any editor or IDE you choose. We recommend using a basic text editor such as Atom, SublimeText, Notepad++, emacs, or vim.

If you use a text editor you should use activator in a separate terminal window to compile, run, and test your code.

If you have successfully installed and imported your project into IntelliJ you are welcome to continue using it.

Part 0: Git Version Control

The first step is to initialize a git repository for your project. Make sure that you have git installed. If you haven’t installed git yet you should do so for your environment. If you are running linux you should use your distributions package manager. If you are running mac osx you should use homebrew. If you are running windows you should use git-bash. After you have successfully installed git, run the following command inside your project folder to initialize your repository:

git init .

After you do that you will want to add the current files to your repository. This is how you do it:

git add .

After you add your files you can run git status to see the files you have added to the repository. Next, you need to commit the new files to the repository:

git commit -m 'my first commit'

The -m flag allows you to add a commit message. After you do this your changes will be committed. You can see it by running git status.

You should commit frequently and often. We will be checking the number of commits you have made during the grading process. You must have at least 5 commits. It is a good habit to commit after any change that you may want to return to at a later point.

Part 1: Getting Oriented

After you download and unzip the starter kit you should take some time reviewing the provided code and comments. There are three main components that your will need to extend/implement to provide a working virtual machine implementation: vendor, bc, and vm.

The Vendor Component (package vendor)

The vendor component defines an interface to the “vendor” parser that can parse a bytecode program as a textual representation into a sequence of instructions representing those instructions. For this assignment you are to assume that this is code coming from a 3rd party library that you will need to adapt to your virtual machine implementation. Of course, you will also play the part of the vendor and provide an implementation as well. The vendor component resides in the vendor package inside the src/instructor/scala directory. This package contains the two files outlined below.

Instruction.scala: This file provides two definitions. The first definition is the class InvalidInstructionFormatException - this exception is used to indicate an invalid instruction format when a textual representation of a bytecode program is parsed (translated from text to Instruction objects. The second definition is the class Instruction. It represents an instruction found in a textual representation of a bytecode program. Every instruction has a name (e.g., iconst, iadd) and a vector of arguments. Fortunately, in our small set of instructions only the iconst instruction has an argument. So, for the other instructions the instruction arguments will be empty.

ProgramParser.scala: This file provides a single trait, ProgramParser that you will need to extend/implement. It defines a type alias InstructionList that is a vector of Instruction objects. An InstructionList represents a list of instructions found in a textual representation of a bytecode program. It also defines two abstract methods, parse and parseString, for parsing/reading a program contained in a file or string respectively. These two methods produce a list of instructions.

The Bytecode Component (package bc)

The bc component defines an interface that the virtual machine will use to represent bytecode instructions. Of course, this differs from the vendor’s instruction representation which necessitates the use of an adapter. The bytecode component resides in the bc package inside the src/instructor/scala directory. This package contains the three files outlined below.

ByteCode.scala: This file provides three definitions. The first definition is the InvalidBytecodeException class. This is used to indicate a problem with a bytecode. The second definition is the ByteCodeValues trait. This contains useful definitions that you will see are extended by several other classes/traits/objects to import the contained definitions into their scope. In particular, it provides a vector of all the names of the bytecode instructions that the virtual machine will support. It also includes a mapping from bytecode names to their byte values. The byte values simply correspond to the position of the bytecode names in the vector of names.

The third definition is the ByteCode trait. As you can see it extends ByteCodeValues to give it access to the definitions mentioned above. It defines the abstract code value which is the actual byte value of this bytecode and the abstract execute method that will execute the bytecode on the given VirtualMachine and return a new VirtualMachine. Note, that this is a direct implementation of the command design pattern! We are encapsulating tasks that are to be executed by its execute method at some point in the future. You will need to implement this trait for each of the 12 bytecode instructions.

ByteCodeFactory.scala: This file contains a single trait, ByteCodeFactory, that defines an abstract method make. The make method will take a byte and an optional integer argument and return a ByteCode object. As the name indicates - this uses the factory design pattern to create new objects of class type ByteCode. It separates the creation of an object from its actual implementation. You will need to provide an implementation of each of the 12 bytecodes and return them given the corresponding byte and optional argument. This method should throw a InvalidBytecodeException if it can’t do so. You will need to implement this trait.

ByteCodeParser.scala: This file contains a single trait called ByteCodeParser which extends ByteCodeValues. It also defines the parse abstract method that transforms a vector of bytes into a vector of ByteCode objects. It is expected that this trait will use the ByteCodeFactory implementation to construct ByteCode objects. You will need to implement this trait. For example, given the following vector:

Vector(bytecode("iconst"), 4.toByte, bytecode("iconst"), 5.toByte,
       bytecode("iadd"), bytecode("print"))

The parse method will produce a vector of bytecode objects:

Vector(ByteCode, ByteCode, ByteCode, ByteCode)

Note, that it only produces four bytecode objects as the iconst instructions have arguments.

The Virtual Machine Component (package vm)

The vm component defines the virtual machine abstraction. It is used to execute a vector of ByteCode objects. The virtual machine component resides in the vm package under the src/instructor/scala directory. This package contains the two files outlined below.

VirtualMachine.scala: This file provides the virtual machine abstraction. In particular, it defines the MachineUnderflowException class that can be used to throw exceptions if the stack in your virtual machine does not have enough values to complete an operation. It also defines the VirtualMachine trait with useful methods that can be performed by a virtual machine. The push and pop methods push and pop values on the virtual machine’s stack. Note, that this is an immutable operation, that is, it returns a new virtual machine with a new state rather than changing the state of the stack internally. This is nice as we can easily inspect each virtual machine state in isolation from all other virtual machine states.

The executeOne method executes the first bytecode in the given vector of bytecode objects. It returns a pair containing the new vector of bytecodes, minus the one we executed, and a new virtual machine. This method allows us to step one instruction at a time and inspect the virtual machine state during testing. The execute method executes all of the bytecodes, from start to finish, and returns the final virtual machine.

Lastly, the state method returns a vector of the state of the stack. This will also help us ensure during testing that the virtual machine executed the bytecode as expected. A virtual machine has executed a given vector of bytecodes properly if vm.state.isEmpty == true. That is, the stack must be empty for it to be considered a valid execution.

VirtualMachineParser.scala: This file contains the definition of the VirtualMachineParser trait. This is effectively implementing the adapter pattern. You will use this in combination with the ByteCodeParser and the vendor’s ProgramParser to implement the parse and parseString methods. This use of the adapter design pattern is slightly different than the one we discussed in class. Here, we are implementing an adapter that connects two other parsers into one that we can use for the virtual machine (which expects a vector of bytecode objects).

Virtual Machine Factory

In addition to the code provided in src/instructor, which you must not modify, we provide you the file factory/VirtualMachineFactory.scala inside the src/main/scala/ source directory. You must modify methods in this object to return instances of the classes/objects that you implement. You are not allowed to move or rename this file.

Part 2: Implement Vendor Parser

Your first task is to implement vendor.ProgramParser. You should take a look at some of the example programs under the programs directory. Your implementation should work for these files. You should also be able to parse bytecode programs contained in strings (i.e., "iconst 4\nprint"). After you implement the program parser you need to modify the factory.VirtualMachineFactory in the src/main/scala directory to return an instance of your implementation from the vendorParser method.

Note: your implementation must reside within the src/main/scala source directory.

Part 3: Implement Bytecodes

Next, you need to implement a bytecode for each of the defined bytecodes in the bc.ByteCodeValues trait (discussed earlier in this document). You may implement these as classes that extend the ByteCode trait.

After you finish implementing each of the bytecodes you should implement the bc.ByteCodeFactory that creates new bytecodes given a byte and arguments. If you find it helpful you can override the toString method to print out the bytecode names to the console so you can see if you did it correctly.

After you finish implementing the factory you need to implement the bc.ByteCodeParser. You can test this easily from the scala console by providing a vector of bytes and inspecting the returned vector to make sure it is working properly.

Lastly, modify factory.VirtualMachineFactory to return an instance of your bytecode factory and bytecode parser from the byteCodeFactory and byteCodeParser methods respectively.

Note: your implementation must reside within the src/main/scala source directory.

Part 4: Implement Virtual Machine

Next, you need to implement the virtual machine component. To do this you will first need to write an adapter that adapts the vendor parser and bytecode parser with a virtual parser that transforms a textual bytecode program into a vector of bytecode objects. You do this by implementing a vm.VirtualMachineParser. That is, you should implement vm.VirtualMachineParser as the adapter - use composition of the other two parsers as part of your implementation.

After you complete the virtual machine parser you can implement a vm.VirtualMachine. Your virtual machine implementation should use some internal representation for a stack and provide the correct operations defined by the vm.VirtualMachine trait.

Lastly, modify factory.VirtualMachineFactory to return an instance of your virtual machine from the virtualMachine method.

Note: your implementation must reside within the src/main/scala source directory.

Part 5: Documentation and Comments

You must provide scaladoc documentation for each of the methods you implement. You should use the scaladoc we provide in src/instructor/scala as examples. In addition, you should provide comments to explain code that may require clarity. That is, you should not comment the obvious, but you may want to provides comments to parts of your implementation that may not be entirely clear. Note: scaladoc and comments are different.


Your submission will be scored on the number of tests that are successfully passed. In addition, the course staff will be reviewing each submission for proper scaladoc documentation, comments, and style. All categories will contribute to your final score for this assignment.


When you have completed the changes to your code, you must run the following command to package up your project for submission (Mac/Linux):

scala -cp tools/grading-assistant.jar

On Windows:

scala -cp tools\grading-assistant.jar

This will package up your submission into a zip file called, where DATE is the date and time you packaged your project for submission. After you do this, log into Moodle and submit the generated zip file.

After you submit the file to Moodle you should ensure that Moodle has received your submission by going to the activity page for the assignment and verifying that it has indeed been uploaded to Moodle. To further ensure that you have uploaded the correct zip file you should download your submission from Moodle and verify that the contents are what you expect.

We do not allow re-submissions after the assignment due date even if you failed to submit the proper file or forgot. There are no exceptions so be very sure that you have submitted properly.

You should test that you can run the PrepareSubmission tool early so you do not have trouble packaging your assignment up for submission minutes before the deadline.