COMPSCI 220 Programming Methodology

Project Assignment 02: Markov Chain


This assignment exercises your understanding of Scala and design patterns. In addition, it will teach you a new algorithm that is entertaining in what it produces. We are often faced with writing programs that must consume text, transform that text, and generate textual output. The problem we are asking you to solve in this project assignment is exactly this type of program, albeit a bit unusual. In particular, you will complete a program that generates random English text, that reads well, from books in text format.

In the wonderful book The Practice of Programming (POP), by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, they describe an algorithm known as the Markov chain algorithm. Before you begin this assignment please read Chapter 3 of that book to gain an understanding of the algorithm. The excerpt from the book describes two implementations in C and in Java. Clearly, we will be implementing our version in Scala. In addition, we will be using the composition design pattern and recursion and immutable data structures rather than the mutable implementation described in Chapter 3 of POP.

Learning Goals

General Information

Read this entire document. If, after a careful reading, something seems ambiguous or unclear to you, then communicate to the course staff immediately. Start this assignment as soon as possible. Do not wait until 5pm the night before the assignment is due to tell us you don’t understand something, as our ability to help you will be minimal.

Reminder: Copying partial or whole solutions, obtained from other students or elsewhere, is academic dishonesty. Do not share your code with your classmates, and do not use your classmates’ code. If you are confused about what constitutes academic dishonesty you should re-read the course syllabus and policies. We assume you have read the course information in detail and by submitting this assignment you have provided your virtual signature in agreement with these policies.

You are responsible for submitting project assignments that compile and are configured correctly. If your project submission does not follow these policies exactly you may receive a grade of zero for this assignment.


Test Files

In the src/test/scala directory, we provide ScalaTest test suites that will help you keep on track while completing the assignment. We recommend you run the tests often and use them to help create a checklist of things to do next. But, you should be aware that we deliberately do not provide you the full test suite we use when grading.

We recommend that you think about possible cases and add new test cases to these files as part of your programming discipline. Simple tests to add will consider questions such as:

More complex tests will be assignment-specific. To build good test cases, think about ways to exercise functions and methods. Work out the correct result for a call of a method with a given set of parameters by hand, then add it as a test case. Note that we will not be looking at your test cases (unless otherwise specified by the assignment documentation), they are just for your use and will be removed by the auto-grader during the evaluation process.

If you modify the test cases we provided or you added your own it is important to know that they will not be used. The auto-grader will use its own copy of the public and private tests. If you modify any source files in the src/test/scala directory your changes will not be reflected in the grading of your submission.

Before submitting, make sure that your program compiles with and passes all of the original tests. If you have errors in these files, it means the structure of the files found in the src directory have been altered in a way that will cause your submission to lose some (or all) points.

Project Structure

The project should normally contain the following root items:

Testing, Grading Assistant, and Console

As mentioned previously, you are provided a set of unit tests that will test various aspects of your implementation. You should get in the habit of running the tests frequently to see how you are doing and to understand where you might be going wrong. The ScalaTest testing framework is built-in to the activator tool and you can easily run the tests by issuing the following command from the command line (Mac/Linux):

./activator test

For Windows users you would issue the following command from the command window:

activator.bat test

This will compile your code and run the public ScalaTest unit tests. After you compile and run the tests you will notice that a target directory has been created. The target directory contains the generated class files from your source code as well as information and results of the tests. Activator uses this directory so it must not be removed. After you run the tests you can get a grade report from the Jeeves tool by issuing this command from the command line (Mac/Linux):

scala -cp tools/grading-assistant.jar autograder.jeeves.Jeeves

For Windows users you would issue the following command from the command window:

scala -cp tools\grading-assistant.jar autograder.jeeves.Jeeves

Note, issuing the above command from the activator console will not work! This will print a report to the console showing you the tests you passed, tests you failed, and a score based on the public tests. Although this gives you a good estimate as to what your final score might look like, it does not include points from our private tests. You may run Jeeves as often as you like, however, you must run the tests before your run Jeeves to give you an updated result.

Another very useful approach to test and play with the code you write is the activator/Scala console. You can run the console with this command (Mac/Linux):

./activator console

For Windows users you would issue the following command from the command window:

activator.bat console

This will load up the Scala REPL (read-eval-print-loop). You can type code directly into the console and have it executed. If you want to cut and paste a larger segment of code (e.g., function declaration) you simply type :paste in the console, then paste in your code, then type control-D.

In addition, you can run activator without any commands and you will be presented with the following prompt:


Or on Windows:


From the activator prompt you can type in any of the following commands:

Editors and IDEs

You are welcome to use any editor or IDE you choose. We recommend using a basic text editor such as Atom, SublimeText, Notepad++, emacs, or vim.

If you use a text editor you should use activator in a separate terminal window to compile, run, and test your code.

If you have successfully installed and imported your project into IntelliJ you are welcome to continue using it.

Part 1: Getting Oriented

After you download and unzip the starter kit you should take some time reviewing the provided code and comments. In particular, there are two important files. Here is the first:


this file contains several definitions that provide a starting structure for the implementation of the markov chain algorithm. Here is a summary of what is included:

The second important file is:


This file is the one you are to modify. We have provided implementation for several parts of the problem to get you going. Your job is to complete the implementation of MyBuilder and MyGenerator. We have also included lots of documentation that explains what you need to do for each of the methods labeled as TODO.

Part 2: Implement MyBuilder

Unlike the implementations described in the associated POP text, this implementation of the Markov algorithm is recursive and it uses only immutable collection types (i.e., Map and Vector). First, you should read the documentation in the code for all the functions in the MyBuilder class. You are to complete the implementation of several smaller utility functions and for the two buildX methods. Although, there is not much code to write - the implementation is subtle. You should reference the POP text to understand how they implement the building phase of Markov. Be careful, though, as their implementation mutates state. Our implementation does not mutate any state - not even a Prefix.

You are not allowed to use any loops, mutable var variables, or mutable collection types in your implementation of these functions.

You should start by implementing the smaller helper functions. In particular, the suggested order is:

  1. splitWords
  2. getFirstWord
  3. getRestOfWords
  4. addSuffix
  5. addToChain

Once the tests pass for these simple functions, you should then proceed with the rest of the functions using the implementation of the above:

  1. buildWithLines
  2. buildWithWords

Note, these two functions are tail recursive. You can read up on what this means in section 8.9 on page 159 of Programming in Scala. Although the explanation of tail recursion does not change your implementation it does help you understand why our approach to solve this problem recursively can be just as efficient as using loops and mutable data structures.

Part 3: Implement MyGenerator

The implementation of MyGenerator is also recursive. We give you the implementation of the first generate method. Your job is to implement several smaller utility functions and the core of this algorithm. You should reference the POP text to understand how it is implemented in C and Java. You will need to bridge your understanding of that implementation into one that is recursive.

You are not allowed to use any loops, mutable var variables, or mutable collection types in your implementation of these functions.

You should start by implementing the smaller helper functions. In particular, the suggested order is:

  1. getSuffixes
  2. getSuffixesLength
  3. getRandomSuffix
  4. isSuffixNewline

Once the tests pass for these simple functions, you should then proceed with the rest of the functions using the implementation of the above:

  1. generateAll


When you have completed the changes to your code, you must run the following command to package up your project for submission (Mac/Linux):

scala -cp tools/grading-assistant.jar

On Windows:

scala -cp tools\grading-assistant.jar

This will package up your submission into a zip file called, where DATE is the date and time you packaged your project for submission. After you do this, log into Moodle and submit the generated zip file.

After you submit the file to Moodle you should ensure that Moodle has received your submission by going to the activity page for the assignment and verifying that it has indeed been uploaded to Moodle. To further ensure that you have uploaded the correct zip file you should download your submission from Moodle and verify that the contents are what you expect.

We do not allow re-submissions after the assignment due date even if you failed to submit the proper file or forgot. There are no exceptions so be very sure that you have submitted properly.

You should test that you can run the PrepareSubmission tool early so you do not have trouble packaging your assignment up for submission minutes before the deadline.